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Details University of Maine 8929 202 20 92 3 40500 54 0.77 B+ 4 2.4 251000 28 665000 20 5886 6 0.55 21070 22 1.02 0.17 36178 64 2 14 0.78 4 3 2 2 2 47 53 2 2 4 82 2 67 33 90 24.0 3.0 575.0 55.0 580.0 50.0 20 46 79 84 90 2 12 90 Struggle: Low Value, Low Vulnerability National University ME Alumni Relation Level of interest View CollegeRankings
Details University of New England 5331 246 10 80 19 22200 32 0.61 C 2.66 1.6 204000 8 655000 18 8678 47 0.72 37620 50 0.7 0.05 7056 96 5 52 1.48 Challenged: Low Value, High Vulnerability National University ME View CollegeRankings
Details Bowdoin College 1825 6 98 10 96 49500 62 2.56 A+ 5 3 381000 86 1018000 88 17111 89 2.64 53922 88 20.24 0.85 892145 3 9 72 0.75 4 4 23 7 845 498 251 594 29.7 50.4 51 49 7 8 11 59 7 11 89 1 9 32.5 1.5 725.0 55.0 700.0 40.0 85 97 100 4 9 3 3 60 Thrive: High Value, Low Vulnerability Liberal Arts College ME Alumni Relation Level of interest VietnameseFromWisconsin View CollegeRankings
Details Colby College 2000 11 95 13 95 40500 54 2.44 A- 4.33 2.6 359000 82 925000 80 13311 81 2.43 55210 94 15.38 0.61 414007 8 11 81 0.88 3 38 11 1314 522 54 46 8 5 8 61 10 9 91 2 10 32.5 1.5 740.0 40.0 710.0 30.0 68 89 99 2395 1035 4 4 10 3 64 Thrive: High Value, Low Vulnerability Liberal Arts College ME Alumni Relation Level of interest View CollegeRankings
Details Bates College 1832 21 91 18 91 33100 46 2.29 A 4.66 2.8 326000 73 902000 76 12349 76 2.25 53794 87 14.39 0.61 172259 21 10 77 0.98 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 42 9 998 499 351 647 35.2 70.3 50 50 5 6 8 67 8 10 90 2 12 31.0 2.0 685.0 45.0 690.0 60.0 71 90 99 1903 994 0 8 12 3.5 3 60 Survive: High Value, High Vulnerability Liberal Arts College ME Level of interest Alumni Relation View CollegeRankings
Details College of the Atlantic 322 82 64 67 46 6600 6 1.16 B 3.66 2.2 107000 1 347000 0 9291 54 0.54 43542 63 1.39 0.08 178191 20 33 100 1.2 4 3 2 2 2 81 71 325 105 42 283 12.9 40 74 26 2 1 6 61 25 21 79 2 72 29.0 3.0 585.0 45.0 670.0 40.0 22 53 84 25 9 9 84 72 3 60 Challenged: Low Value, High Vulnerability Liberal Arts College ME Alumni Relation Level of interest View CollegeRankings